Person of the Month

This month’s, Person of the Month, is Tom Parrey, (K2Fun), and just as his call sign states, Tom is a fun Person. Tom is one of our three current members, who work as Nets Controller, with his deep and mellow voice, there is no mistaken him. Some of Toms other accompaniments are his volunteer in our VE Testing and Chief cook and bottle washer during Radio Daze, we are happy to have Tom in our group. Thanks, Tom, for all you do.

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PWA’s Website Index:

1: PWA History ( about PWA)

2. Information on where and when to take your Amateur license.

3. PWA Monthly meetings.

4, Frequency of PWA repeaters.

5. PWA’s Facebook and Articles.

6. Members directory.

7. PWA Executive Board members.

8. Events and calendar.

9. Photos of PWA Field Days.

10. General and Business Reports , Gadgets, Builder’s Corner, Fusion Repeater

10a. PWA constitution for Review.

11. PWA Property and borrowing property Form.

12. View items for sale.

13. Add your items for sale.

14. Solar Terrestrial Data Chart.

15. Chucks Digital Projects and Data Transmissions.

16a. Donations.

16b. Membership Renewals.

16c. Membership Application Form.

16d. Contact Request.